What’s out there?

Sharing our views on the topics we find interesting and articles worth a 2nd thought.

Hacking und Hacker im Schweizer Recht (AJP/PJA 1/2020)

Hacking und Hacker im Schweizer Recht (AJP/PJA 1/2020)

In the News  Dr. Sandro Germann, LL.M.  and our General Counsel, Dr. David Wicki, LL.M.  has taken a look at hacking from a legal point of view. Full article can be found in AJP 2020/1, pg. 83 ff. The authors would like to express their gratitude towards...

Protection des données: les PME sont pénalisées (Le Temps 2/3/2020)

Protection des données: les PME sont pénalisées (Le Temps 2/3/2020)

In the News.  An article by our General Counsel Dr. David Wicki-Birchler, LL.M.   Published in Le Temps 2/3/2020 .     Protection des données: les PME sont pénalisées OPINION. Le parlement traitera durant la session de printemps de la protection des données...

Hacking und Hacker im Schweizer Recht (AJP/PJA 1/2020)

Hacking und Hacker im Schweizer Recht (AJP/PJA 1/2020)

In den Nachrichten.  Dr. Sandro Germann, LL.M.  und unser General Counsel, Dr. David Wicki, LL.M.  haben Hacking aus rechtlicher Sicht beleuchtet. Zu finden in AJP 2020/1, S. 83 ff. Grosser Dank gebührt Prof. Dr. Arnold Rusch sowie dem gesamten AJP Team. Hacking und...

LEANmade Advisory: Defend against potential attacks by State Actors

LEANmade Advisory: Defend against potential attacks by State Actors

 OVERVIEW: The current state of international affairs across the globe has significantly increased the threat posed by state actors carrying out powerful cyber attacks, which would also include targeting European customers. There are a number of offensive...

